Mobi phones, television and computers. Types of Images and Their Purposes 1. Real images are pictures which depict visuals of

mobi phones, television and computers. Types of Images and Their Purposes 1. Real images are pictures which depict visuals of objects or happenings that exist in real life. These are also known as fact images. The purposes of these images can be: a. to inform or to educate (like actual photos of animals) b. to tell stories (like in picture-story books) c. to entertain (like stolen photos with funny content) d. to persuade (like the actual photos of burnt lungs of a smoker to encourage others to quit smoking). 2. Make-believe images are pictures which illustrate something that is not real. Though these images may have some realistic features, they are just product of imagination, thus, do not exist in real life. These are also known as non-fact images. These images can be used with the following purposes: a. to entertain (like images of fantasy world and magical creatures) b. to tell fiction stories (like picture books of fairy tales) c. to persuade (like some editorial cartoons that express opinions through caricatures and visual symbols) z​